Our new teachers Helen and Rosalia
Our new teachers Helen Karka and Rosalia Panayotopoulou Helen studied Literature specializing in Linguistics at the University of Athens. She also holds a postgraduate degree in Teaching Modern Greek as…
Our new teachers Helen Karka and Rosalia Panayotopoulou Helen studied Literature specializing in Linguistics at the University of Athens. She also holds a postgraduate degree in Teaching Modern Greek as…
Our student in Thessaloniki Vera from Germany was excited to combine Greek language lessons and courses on Byzantine hagiography. The teacher of the hagiography welcomed her to his laboratory in the afternoons! There, while drinking Greek…
Greek easter cookies (παρχαλινά κουλουράκια =paschalina koulourakia) recipes are characterised by a butter base, shiny egg glaze (which makes them beautifully golden brown) and various rising agents to make…
We had the pleasure last month to teach Greek to Harm from Holland. A good student, who speaks 13 languages, and also is a philosopher and has his own website.…
The existence of Greek words in other languages is well known. At our School we have created a small dictionary with such words in different languages, words which have been…
Last month (March) we had the pleasure and honor, to have among our students 3 professors from German Universities with completely different subjects- Classics, Environmental Economics, Philosophy, Business Administration.…
Every month we are marking on the world map the countries of origin of our students. Last month (March) our students came from Ukraine, Moldova, Switzerland, Germany, Azerbaijan,…
Our school will participate in the festivities for the Exodus of Messologhi (April, 10 1826), in which the honored country is Switzerland, in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy…
Starting date: Monday, May 9th Level: A1/2, Β1/2, C1/2 Duration: 2 weeks (20 hours – 9.5.2016 – 20.5.2016) Lessons 20 hours per week: Everyday: 10.00-14.00 The educational material (books and cd) is…
Yesterday we welcomed our new students in our library, one from Holland, one from Italy, one from Swiss and one from France We offered them as a welcome greek coffee. We…