During the past 50 years of our operation we have understood the importance of providing our students with information about Greece , Greek history, music, diet, dances, the language etc.…
During the past 50 years of our operation we have understood the importance of providing our students with information about Greece , Greek history, music, diet, dances, the language etc.…
I would not believe that we would have students so advanced in age up to recent April when John came to our school at Chania. The oldest student we had…
Our students and teachers have already started swimming in the sea, since the Easter period. Our teacher Vasiliki was the first to come to Volos after Easter and told us…
We followed with students the Sunday mass at the oldest operating Byzantine church in Athens, Saint Nicolas Ragava. The church is located in old Athens, area of Plaka, just below…
As we do every second week since ages, we invited our students to enjoy a Greek dinner under the sky (almost) with Acropolis in front of us. On May 12,…
Almost all our students have seen the film, the English title is “A touch of spice”, and I do not remember anybody having disliked it. A love affair with an…
Our school would like to wish you to have a happy Easter to you and your families! As we say in Greek: Καλή Ανάσταση και Χρόνια Πολλά! Καλό Πάσχα! Χριστός…
It is with a great joy that we announce the starting of our new evening courses at our school in Thessaloniki. The courses will begin in October. You may send…
We present you the word “museum” in 12 languages. Greek Μουσείο English Museum French Musée Ukrainian Музей Polish Muzeum Romanian Muzeu German Museum Russian Mузей Bulgarian Mузей Dutch Museum Spanish Museo Italian…
The first museum in Greece dedicated to typography operates in Chania since 2005 and is a few kilometers away from the city center. Last week, our students in Chania visited…