Words Travel – The word “Archipelago” in 12 languages
We present you the word "archipelago" in 12 languages. Greek Αρχιπέλαγος English Archipelago French Archipel Ukrainian Архіпелаг Polish …
We present you the word "archipelago" in 12 languages. Greek Αρχιπέλαγος English Archipelago French Archipel Ukrainian Архіпелаг Polish …
After many delays and changes, the Joined Ministerial Decree ΑΣ 17889 was published at the Government Gazette (Β’/1384/24.04.2017), according to which 9th February is established as the International Day of…
We present you the word “character” in 14 languages. Greek χαρακτήρας English character French caractère Ukrainian Характер Polish charakter Rumanian caracter German …
We present you the word “magic” in 15 languages. Greek μαγικός English magic French magique Ukrainian mагічний Polish magiczny Rumanian magic German magisch…
Speaking about the 42 kilometers of the Marathon run, we would like to remind that the word derives from the Greek words χίλια (kilo) and μέτρο (meter) and exists in…
We present you the word “music” in 14 languages. Greek μουσική English music French musique Ukrainian Музика Polish muzyka Rumanian muzica German …
From October 3rd until October 5th the event “Art night” will take place in Thessaloniki. During these three Art Nights the audience will have the opportunity to be guided in…
The theatrical performance “Oedipus’ tree” will take place from Monday 02nd October until 23rd October at “Alpha.Idea” Treater in Athens. It is a combination of 5 Ancient Greek Tragedies (Οιδίποδας…
3 of the students who start lessons on Monday 2nd October in Athens have come again at our school in the past! Stefan comes for the second time, as well…
We present you the word basic in 11 languages. Greek βασικός English basic French basique Ukrainian Базовий Rumanian bazic German basisch Russian базисный Dutch basis Spanish básico Italian basico…