The impressive Ravenna mosaics
Last week, our students from Thessaloniki visited a very interesting exhibition that takes place in the monument of Rotunda. The exhibition hosts impressive 19th century mosaics from the city of…
Last week, our students from Thessaloniki visited a very interesting exhibition that takes place in the monument of Rotunda. The exhibition hosts impressive 19th century mosaics from the city of…
Today we were very happy to welcome our new students who will participate in our Ancient Greek program at our school in Athens! The program has a duration of three…
Aigina is the second largest island of the Saronic gulf and is only 75' away from the port of Piraeus. The island has taken its name from God Asopo's daughter,…
We present you the word “atmosphere” in 13 languages. Greek Ατμόσφαιρα English Atmosphere French Atmosphère Ukrainian Атмосфера Polish Atmosfera Romanian Atmosfera German Atmosphaere Russian Aтмосфера Bulgarian Aтмосфера Dutch Atmosfeer Slovenian…
We could not be happier for the fact that our 3 students who gave the exams for the Certification of Greek Language for level A2, successfully passed with a high…
We are always happy when we receive good reviews about our way of teaching and about the organization of our school. And that is because it shows that our students…
We are delighted to announce a special pricing for all our courses that will take place in August at our schools in Athens, Thessaloniki and Chania! In this respect, we…
Dancing as a means of expression in Greece dates back to 1000 BC. Greek dances are closely connected to the tradition and the customs of the country and they are…
During our last week's lesson with our good studen Concepcion from Spain, we talked about "kaimaki" (Turkish word) which is one of the most important elements of good Greek coffee.…
Famous for its natural beauty, Poros island is situated in the Saronic gulf, very close to Athens. Only an hour away from Piraeus port by flying dolphin, Poros is sure…