On 2/9/2008 a very important Conference took place at The Ministry of Education, in Athens, which had been organized by the Committee for the International Competition of Ancient Greek under the title “Conference for the teaching of Ancient Greek language in Europe”. The Competition had been initiated by the Organization for the Promotion of the Greek (ΟΔΕΓ) but during the last years was carried out by a Committee, in which participated the Ministry of Education, the Pedagogical Institute, the PanHellenic Union of Philologists, the Society of Greek Philologists, the Organization for the Promotion of the Greek Language and the European Center of Delphi.
The proceedings of this important conference were not published until now, this is why we upload them today here. In the proceedings are included presentations about the teaching of Ancient Greek in 18 European Countries. Last year we asked from our then student, Dragica Fabjan Andristakos, teacher at a classical high school in Ljubljana, to write a presentation about her country, which we also upload here.
During the conference of 2008, the participants had brought samples of the books they use for the teaching of Ancient Greek in their countries. This collection was kept by the Organization for the Promotion of the Greek (ΟΔΕΓ) and was delivered to our Library.
We have added some other relevant books while last year our Education Coordinator Evangelia Kokkori created a respective unique catalog, which we upload below.
Recently we took pictures of the covers, which you can see by clicking on the titles in the catalog.
Χώρα | Τίτλος | Εκδότης | Έτος έκδοσης | ISBN |
Αυστρία | Austria | Griechische historiographie | ōbvhpt | 2007 | 978-3-209-04911-7 |
Αυστρία | Austria | Aus der Welt des Christentums | ōbvhpt | 2006 | 3-209-04664-6 |
Αυστρία | Austria | Das griechische drama | ōbvhpt | 2007 | 978-3-209-05376-3 |
Βέλγιο | Belgium | Vocabulaire Grec de base | de boeck | 2008 | 2-8041-1947-5 |
Βέλγιο | Belgium | Stathmoi (Werkboek+Leerboek) LEERBOEK GRIEKS voor het tweede jaar van de eerste graad | Universa – Wetteren | 2005 | |
Βέλγιο | Belgium | Σοφία, Le grec en sixième | de boeck | 2003 | 2-8041-2222-0 |
Βέλγιο | Belgium | GEPHYRA | DE BRUG tussen het tweede en het derde jaar | Universa – Wetteren | 2002 | |
Boυλγαρία | Bulgaria | αρχαία ελληνικά 11ης τάξης | старогръцки език за 11 клас | Εθνική ‘Εκδοση (Ναρόντνα Προσφέτα) | 1982 | |
Boυλγαρία | Bulgaria | αρχαία ελληνικά 9η-10η τάξη | старогръцки език 9-10 клас | Εθνική ‘Εκδοση (Ναρόντνα Προσφέτα) | 1988 | |
Γερμανία | Germany | Ελληνική Φιλοσοφία | Griechische Philosophie | Oldenbourg Schulbucheverlag, München | 2001 | 3-486-13501-5 |
Γερμανία | Germany | Hellas, Lehrgang des Griechischen | C.C.Buchner | 2005 | 3-7661-5820-1 |
Γεωργία | Georgia | Αρχαία Ελληνικά κείμενα και ασκήσεις | ძველი ბერძნული ენა, საკითხავი ტექსტები და სავარჯიშოები | ლობოსი | Λόγος | 1998 | 99928-65-17-2 |
Γεωργία | Georgia | Οι διάλεκτοι της ελληνικής γλώσσας | ბერძნული ენის დიალექტები | ლობოსი | Λόγος | 2007 | 978-99940-31-53-5 |
Γεωργία | Georgia | Αρχαία Ελληνική Γλώσσα • Ανάγνωση κειμένων • Ασκήσεις • Ελληνο-Γεωργιανό Λεξικό • Γεωργιανο-Ελληνικό Λεξικό | ძველი ბერძნული ენა • საკითხავი ტექსტები • სავარჯიშოები • ძველბერძნულ – ქართულ ლექსიკონი • ქართულ – ძველბერძნული ლექსიკონი | ლობოსი | Λόγος | 1999 | |
Δανία | Denmark | Πρόλογος | Introduktion til Græsc | Museum Tusculanums Forlag | 2002 | 87-7289-467-9 |
Δανία | Denmark | Ελληνική γραμματική για αρχάριους, Bάσις | Græsk grammatik for begyndere, ΒΑΣΙΣ | Museum Tusculanums Forlag | 2003 | 87-7289-426-1 |
Ελβετία | Switzerland | Altgriechisch für Liebhaber | Heureka | 2003 | 3-9520192-3-2 |
Ελβετία | Switzerland | A la decouverte du grec | Department de l’ education, de la cultur et des sports du canton de Neuchatel | 2005 | 2-88356-050-1 |
Ελβετία | Switzerland | Α la decouvert du grec | Department de l’ instruction publique et les affaires culturelles du canton de Neuchatel | 2002 | 2-88356-050-1 |
Iσπανία | Spain | Griego 1Β bachillerato | Εditex | 1999 | 84-7131-686-2 |
Iσπανία | Spain | Griego bachillerato Logse | McGraw Hill | 1998 | 84-481-1222-9 |
Iσπανία | Spain | Griego 1, bachillerato Logse | Anaya | 1999 | 84-207-8898-8 |
Iσπανία | Spain | Griego 2, bachillerato | Anaya | 2003 | 84-667-2203-3 |
Iσπανία | Spain | Griego 1, bachillerato | Anaya | 2002 | 84-667-1225-9 |
Iσπανία | Spain | Bachillerato 1 griego | Anaya | 2008 | 978-84-667-7331-7 |
Ιταλία | Italy | Μαθήματα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας 1, Θεωρία | Corso di lingua greca 1, teoria | Simone per la scuola | 2007 | 978-88-244-7504-4 |
Ιταλία | Italy | Μαθήματα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας 1, Ασκήσεις | Corso di lingua greca 1, esercizi | Simone per la scuola | 2007 | 978-88-244-7505-1 |
Ιταλία | Italy | Μαθήματα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας 2, Ασκήσεις | Corso di lingua greca 2, esercizi | Simone per la scuola | 2007 | 978-88-244-7506-8 |
Ιταλία | Italy | Le parole dei Greci (esercizi) | Carlo Signorelli Editore | 1999 | 88-434-0303-6 |
Ιταλία | Italy | Le parole dei Greci (grammatica) | Carlo Signorelli Editore | 2008 | 88-434-0265-X |
Kροατία | Croatia | Προμηθεύς | Prometej αναγνωστικό | sk | 2003 | 953-0-20911-8 |
Kροατία | Croatia | Chrestomathia Graeca | sk | 2001 | 953-0-20133-8 |
Kροατία | Croatia | Προμηθεύς | Prometej ασκήσεις | sk | 2003 | 953-0-20911-8 |
Kροατία | Croatia | Anthologia Graeca | sk | 2003 | 953-0-20138-9 |
Kροατία | Croatia | Κείμενα Αρχαίων Ελληνικών | Grčka vježbenica, za klasična odjeljenja osnovne skole | sk | 2005 | 953-0-10707-2 |
Kροατία | Croatia | Ρήματα Αρχαίων Ελληνικών | Grčki glagoli | sk | 2001 | 953-0-20481-7 |
Μεξικό | México | Lecturas Áticas I (Introduccion a la filologia griega) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2000 | 968-36-8127-1 |
Μεξικό | México | Lecturas Áticas I (Cuestionarios y ejercicios) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2003 | 968-36-3986-0 |
Μεξικό | México | Lecturas Áticas II (Cuestionarios y ejercicios) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2001 | 968-36-9079-3 |
Μεξικό | México | Lecturas Áticas III (Introduccion a la filologia griega) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2004 | 970-32-1279-4 |
Μεξικό | México | Lecturas Átticas II (Introduccion a la filologia griega) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 1997 | 968-36-6526-8 |
Μεξικό | México | Lecturas Átticas III y IV (Cuestionarios y ejercicios) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2005 | 970-32-2317-6 |
Μεξικό | México | Lecturas Átticas IV (Introduccion a la filologia griega) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2004 | 970-32-1280-8 |
Μεξικό | México | Manual de dialectologia Griega | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2005 | 970-32-2444-X |
Μεξικό | México | Manual de prosodia y metrica griega | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2001 | 968-36-9483-7 |
Μεξικό | México | Manuales didacticos: Iniciacion al griego I | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2006 | 970-32-3222-1 |
Μεξικό | México | Manuales didacticos: Iniciacion al griego II | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 1997 | 968-36-3958-6 |
Μεξικό | México | Manuales didacticos: Iniciacion al griego III | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 1998 | 968-36-6614-0 |
Μεξικό | México | Principios de acentuación griega | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 2006 | 970-32-2939-5 |
Ολλανδία | The Netherlands | Beknopte Syntaxis van het klassiek Grieks | Hermaion | 2006 | 90-5027-101-4 |
Ολλανδία | The Netherlands | Eudaimonia (Plato’s leerschool van het geluk) | Hermaion | 1998 | 90-5027-059-X |
Ολλανδία | The Netherlands | Eudaimonia Hulpboek | Hermaion | 1998 | 90-5027-059-X |
Ολλανδία | The Netherlands | Pallas Griekse Literatur Tekstboek deel 3 | Eisma | 1996 | 90-74252-26-5 |
Ολλανδία | The Netherlands | Pallas Griekse taal en cultuur Lesboek 1 | Eisma | 2003 | 90-76589-46-1 |
Ολλανδία | The Netherlands | Pallas Griekse taal en cultuur Lesboek 2 | Eisma | 2004 | 90-76589-55-0 |
Ολλανδία | The Netherlands | Synopsis De klassieke cultuur en haar doorwerking tekstboeck | Eisma | 1998 | |
Ρουμανία | Romania | Limba graecă, manual pentru clasa a Ix-a | Humanitas Educational | 2005 | 973-689-038-4 |
Ρουμανία | Romania | Limba graecă, manual pentru clasa a x-a | Humanitas Educational | 2005 | 973-689-039-2 |
Ρουμανία | Romania | Limba graecă, manual pentru clasa a xI-a | Humanitas Educational | 2006 | 973-689-087-2 |
Ρωσία | Russia | Αρχαία Ελληνικά, κείμενα και ασκήσεις | древнегреческий язык, сборник упражнений и текстов | Αcademia | 2003 | 5-8465-0158-3, 5-7695-1535-Χ |
Σερβία | Serbia | ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ | ΠΛΑΤΩ | 2007 | 86-447-0379-X |