K.Karkanias, the Director of the School of Greek Language and Culture “Alexander the Great”, presented on 22/4/2016 the above subject at the event organized by the Municipality of the Holy City of Mesolongi in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy, to honor Switzerland for its contribution to the 1821 revolution in general and especially in Missolonghi.
In the event the Ambassador of Switzerland gave a speech and then Mr K. Karkanias.
Francophones students recited excerpts from the translation of the poem by the Swiss poet from Geneva Ch. Didier entitled «La ruine de Missolonghi – The destruction of Missolonghi”, which was written on 20.05.1826. In that way they participated in the speech given by Mr Karkanias

All recitations accompanied by the excellent music of the Swiss pianist Jean Dushoult.
You can see below the speech in greek of Mr Karkanias.
You can also find the entire poem in Greek and French following this link.