Our school will participate in the festivities for the Exodus of Messologhi (April, 10 1826), in which the honored country is Switzerland, in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy in Athens. Our Director Mr. K. Karkanias will speak on April 22 about “I.I Mayer and the Swiss philhellenes”.
During the same event the poem of Claude Didier entitled “La ruine de Missolonghi” that was written in Geneva on 20.05.1826 will be presented in French and in Greek. The poem which has been “found” by us had been initially translated by our student Ivan Sikiaridis from Geneva.
This work is a part of our ongoing research on Philhellenism during the Greek Revolution against the Ottoman Empire (1821-1829), which led to the creation of the first free new Greek state.
The poem may be read below in french and Greek.